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Wellness in Mind is the central point of advice and support for anyone in Nottingham seeking better mental health, It;

1. Supports people in Nottingham seeking help and advice around their mental health.
2. Provides a telephone helpline, accessible drop in, and signposting service for people seeking support with their mental health.
3. Provides assessment, support and outreach to individuals and groups who may need additional support.

How it works

Philosophy of Service

  • Everyone experiences mental health, which can be positive, but also cause challenges in our lives.
  • Making positive changes in your mental health is possible for everyone.
  • Knowledge, understanding and awareness of issues, and services available can help people make positive changes.
  • Recognising problems early, and addressing them, can help prevent things getting worse.
  • Finding and engaging with support can be really helpful in making progress.
  • A holistic approach which considers all aspects of one’s life is more likely to promote wellbeing and resilience.
  • People may need help in overcoming stigma, which can act as a barrier to people getting help.
  • People may need support to help them navigate their way through services and find what works for them.

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We have now re-opened for face to face visitsClick here for details