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Urgent Help

I need to talk to someone

If it is after midnight and before 8am the Wellness in Mind telephone helpline is closed. You can leave a message on the answerphone and someone will get back to you the following day.

But if you want to talk to someone about how you’re feeling there are a number other options you could look at, as listed below.

Remember you are not alone. Recognising you have a mental health issue and want to contact someone about it is the first step to improving your wellbeing.

The Samaritans

  • Offer emotional support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and you can call them in full confidence.
    Call 0116 123, it’s FREE.

Community Mental Health Teams

  • Community Mental Health Teams are usually based either at a hospital or a local community mental health centre. Some teams provide 24 hour services so that you can contact them in a crisis.
  • If you are already in contact with a Community Mental Health Team you may already have their number. Otherwise you should be able to contact your local Community Mental Health Team via your local social services or social work team.
  • Other kinds of community mental health services include Crisis and Home Treatment teams, which provide you with help in your own home and can come out to see you in an emergency or help you get into hospital if you need inpatient treatment.
  • You may also find it helpful to contact your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau for advice about benefits, debt problems, legal issues and local services. The Citizens Advice Bureau website has a directory listing of its local offices.

Talk to someone you trust

  • You may find it helpful to talk to your partner, a relative or a friend about how you are feeling. They may be concerned about you and welcome the opportunity to hear what you have to say.

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We have now re-opened for face to face visitsClick here for details